Maclean Park Murals
The image shows key buildings and landmarks in the Kapiti region from Otaki to Paekakariki.
The original image was created by hand on 300gsm Hannumle Watercolour paper. Basic sketches of the buildings were made, then one by one each component was completed by layering watercolours and ink.
Having only a few weeks to complete both mural images I paired back details as much as I could to give me time to complete finishing touches and pull the images together. I love to work with bold colours so extra time and care is taken to try and balance them as much as possible.
Due to the scale of the murals and the amount of components I completed one building at a time and tried to celebrate each one, from the trees to the train stations. Having many late nights, lots of coffee, endless lists, mess, last minute photos, changes and excitement they were finally completed.
Fine Art prints of the original images are available. The original Artworks are also available, please contact Sarah for details
‘Kapiti Captured - The Map Mural’
Represented in image: (Otaki to Paekakariki)
Otaki Clock (by library)
Otaki Museum
Otaki Maori Racing Club
Otaki Station
Otaki Swimming Pools
Tote Modern (Pottery Club)
Te Horo Town Hall
The Kilns at Te Horo - Mirek Smisek Arts Trust
“Dome House’ - Peka Peka
Peka Peka ‘sign’
Nga Manu
‘Kapiti Coast Museum’
St Andrews Church Otaihanga
Waikanae Pools
Toi Mahara Gallery
Frit pattern at Toi Mahara
Whakarongotai Fence
Waikanae Train Station
Oaihanga Domain
Otaihanga Boating Club
Southwards Car Museum
Waikanae Estuary
Statue of Mary
War Memorial
Paraparaumu Fire Station
Paraparaumu Train Station
Kapiti Road ‘Duck Pond’
Paraparaumu Police Station
Aquatic Centre
Airport Museum
Kapiti Airport
Caostlands Mall
Marine Gardens ‘Raumati
Raumati South Statue
Raumati South Mosaic Chair (Created by artists Gail Lewis and Rita Schrieken)
Kapiti Gallery
Electric Tramway Museum (Queen Elizabeth Park)
Memorial (Queen Elizabeth Park)
Paekakareki Station
St Peters Village Hall
Holtoms Buildings
Penguins at Paekakariki
To compliment the Map image. This image shows what may happen under Kapitis seas in a fun way, referencing the Kapiti Police station, ‘Orca police cars and dolphin police officers. The aquatic centre is portrayed as the ‘Aeronautic centre’ and Team medical is ‘Stream medical’ etc
There is a line of NZ fish (listed below) for the toilet and various jokes and puns throughout. I wanted the image to be fun, tongue in cheek and whimsical, to be enjoyed by all ages and especially appreciated by Kapiti Coasters.
Fine Art prints of the original images are available. The original Artworks are also available, please contact Sarah for details.
‘Under Kapiti Captured’
NZ sea creatures included in Image:
Common Dolphins
NZ Golden Snapper ( wearing swimming costumes )
Great White Shark (going to the movies)
Sturgeon (non nz ) freshwater fish wearing mask
Queuing for Toilet:
Green lipped muscles
Orange Roughy
Grey Mullett (headphones)
Snapper (with paper)
Sandagers Wrasse (poor Knights Island - Colourful one)
Blue Maomao (Blue one)
Octopus (in porthole)
Red pigfish - (school fish)
NZ Common Cushion Starfish (police badge)
Common Dolphin (police officers)
Mud Crab
Kids Colouring in sheets:
Kapiti Coast District Council have created some fun colouring in sheets for kids (or adults) from the mural designs. You can print these off from the KCDC website or they are available for collection at all Kapiti Coast Library’s